The Silenced [Part Four]
Short Serial | Science Fiction
PREVIOUSLY: In Part Three, we discovered the story of Five-Fingers and Two-Tongues, including where she had came from. When Story heard their tale, he agreed to help and Five-Fingers told him her plan. But their moment of triumph was interrupted by a knock on the door.
Neither of us moved. Two barely stirred. Five threw me a panicked sign.
Did you hear that?
I nodded slowly. Knuckles wrapped on the door again; the knock echoed around us like we were in the eye of a storm. It felt like a lightening crack splitting through wood.
The knock echoed again. It was louder this time. Five and I tensed. Two stirred briefly this time but remained fast asleep.
Were you followed? I signed.
Five shook her head. We were careful.
Perhaps not careful enough. I used the brief silence from the banging to make a quick calculation before making my decision. Five must have read my face because she was shaking her head before I even confirmed my thinking.
You can’t.
I shook my head. I have to. I have to open the door.
I could see the whites of her eyes and their edges cracked with bloodshot. Are you fucking crazy?
Maybe. But at this time it’s likely a friend.
Five shook her head. And if it’s not?
Then we’re already in trouble. At least if I answer before they kick it down, we might stand a chance. If I don’t, it’s going to raise suspicion and the door is opening regardless. Stay here. Stay quiet.
I turned my back on her silent protests, closed the door to my living quarters behind me and climbed the stairs. My legs felt like jelly; I was held up by pure adrenaline. My heart hammered in my chest like a freight train as I approached the door. I listened for any sounds that would betray who was out there; the whoosh of the air between two Silenced signing to each other or the mechanical voices of a Voice Box that would give away a Silencer hiding behind the door. I was met only with silence.
I took a deep breath, braced myself for what would come next and opened the door.
I breathed a sigh of relief upon the sight of a friend.
Spark bundled past me, trailing raindrops through the door with him. Spark was technically a Silencer but he was here in the guise of a friend. How do I know this? All his visits are; Spark was my inside man. His correct designation is Silencer M-412. He works in the Technical and Maintenance Department. Spark was given the name for two reasons - his skill with an electrical device and the energy he carried about him. He was a bright spark, especially for a Silencer. The type that made you feel like us and them weren’t so different after all. The kind that made you think that maybe one day there wouldn’t be an us and a them.
But that was a ways away if it was on its way at all.
Spark had stumbled upon the contraband side of my business a few years ago - one of my loanees had broken one of the golden rules; don’t use it in public. Thankfully, the loanee had used it in front of Spark and not one of the other hardliners. Spark was the one to return it and when I showed him the whole operation, instead of trying to deny it, he laughed picked an old book up off the shelf and left with it only to return it a few days later for another. We became fast friends after that; he never told me why he kept it to himself but I guess it was because the deal was mutually benefical. He could provide supplies and look the other way in exchange for permanent loans of any antiques from The Age of Language I collected. He was always in good spirits when he called in. But not now. Now, the energy he carried himself with was gone.
The bright spark had dimmed.
I forced a smile, hoping I’d called the play wrong. What time do you call this?
Spark didn’t respond. Instead, he checked the windows and locked the door before adjusting the volume setting of his Voice Box to the lowest setting. The voice that crackled from his speaker was in his custom made tones; a deep, gravelly timbre with a Scottish accent. I remember asking him why this particularly voice and he shrugged it off before saying, “I guess I want people to trust me. I want people to think of me as friend, not foe.”
I was grateful to hear it now but not the words he spoke. The words he spoke turned my blood cold.
“Where is she?”
I stared at him blankly. He repeated the question again in a hoarse whisper. “Where is she?”
I raised my hands to sign my protest then stopped. Just like the day he discovered the illegal side of my business, was there really any point in lying?
How did you know? I signed.
“Saw her come in. And the little girl. Which means if I know then they know. And if they don’t then they’re about to. All of this to say you are running out of time, my friend. Running out of time where I can help you get out of whatever mess you’ve gotten yourself into.”
I blinked. Surprised? I shouldn’t be. Not really. You’d help me?
Spark flashed a grin, momentarily breaking the frown lines and gritted teeth. “Where else would I get my stories?”
I laughed despite the situation and grabbed Spark’s hand in a shake, pulling him into a bear hug. Thank you, friend. But I don’t need you to help me. I need you to help us.
He followed my gaze to find Five Fingers and Two Tongues standing at the top of the stairs that lead down to my living quarters. Spark looked between the three of us, too stunned to speak. The silence stretched between us for a long time before Two Tongues broke it.
“Mummy, who is that man? Is he going to help us too?” She stared at Spark who broke into a deep, husky laugh. He looked between the three of us again before uttering perhaps the only word that could adequately describe the situation.
“Well, FUCK.”
Five told him everything and Spark listened quietly. This was probably one of the things I liked most about him. He was the only one in the room, except Two-Tongues of course, that had the ability to speak in the old fashioned sense of the word. Having a Voice Box was one of the many advantages that gave the Silencers the edge. But not Spark. He restrained himself; he chose never to use his voice to interrupt, interject or impose. He would let you get to the end of the story without running roughshod over you if he had something to say. I asked him why once and, in that infinitely affable way he had about him shrugged before giving me a reason.
“I have two ears and one mouth; it’s all about using them in proportion.”
And that’s what he was doing now as Five signed her story. He listened. He nodded in all the right places, turned his head away where the places went wrong. He used two ears and one mouth. And he used them in proportion.
When Five had finished telling him her story he took a moment. He stroked his close-cropped beard, absorbing everything he had just been told before turning to me.
He raised an eyebrow. “So how did you get involved in all this?”
I smiled. My reputation precedes me.
He chuckled. “As a shopkeeper with a side hustle in selling contraband. What could they possibly need you for?”
I laughed. Well, I’m a smuggler. I’m the only one who can get them out.
Spark shook his head. “That’s not what I meant.”
I nodded. I know. But it’s the only answer I’m going to give.
Spark shrugged. “That’s fair. But it’s not entirely true.”
I raised an eyebrow. It’s not?
Spark shook his head. “It’s not.”
Five looked between us. What do you mean? Then to me. What does he mean?
I locked eyes with Spark and we both broke into a smile at the same time. I turned to Five. He’s right. I’m not the only one who can get you out. And honestly, I wouldn’t be able to do it alone.
Five’s eyes widened and I could see the edges begin to dampen. You’ll help?
He nodded. “I will.”
Five searched his face for answers; for a clue that wasn’t there. I don’t understand. Why?
Spark shrugged. “Because I can. And that’s the only answer I’m going to give.”
I laughed. So did Spark and Five. Two-Tongues eyed us cautiously, reading the room before eventually breaking into a smile. Then she asked a question that brought a silence over the room once more.
“When do we go?” Two-Tongues asked, with the innocent smile that doesn’t realise her words have just fallen like a hammer to the gavel.
I looked at Spark, something unspoken between us. He nodded.
I turned back to Five and Two-Tongues. Tomorrow. I signed. We have to go tomorrow.
Five slumped back in her chair, reaching for the bottle we shared earlier. But Two-Tongues still wasn’t satisfied with the answer.
“Why tomorrow? I like it here. There are so many books and songs I want to explore. Can’t we stay a little longer?” she asked.
I shook my head. Afraid not, Two.
Her face pulled into a frown. “But why?”
I shared a glance with Five, who nodded. I knelt down till I was level with Two and took her by the shoulders. Because it’s not safe.
She furrowed a brow. “It’s not safe?”
I shook my head. No.
“Why isn’t it safe?”
I sighed. I just wished the kid was able to be a kid for a little while longer. But before I could answer, her eyes fell to the floor and she answered herself.
“It’s because they know about me, isn’t it?”
I nodded. They know about you, yes. And they’re on their way.
They’re coming.
Thank you for your patience as I continue to write The Silenced; it’s as much a story of discovery at this point as any I’ve written and has turned from short story into novella almost!
I hope you enjoyed this part. I've given up saying how many there will be but I do think there will be only a few more.
Thank you for subscribing, reading and sharing my stories! And for those of you who have pre-ordered SEARCH already, a massive thank you.